Blue Forest

An international project dedicated to the protection of marine forests through restoration activities,

scientific research, community engagement, and awareness-raising initiatives

Business Awareness and Response to Ocean Challenges

Presented during the second edition of the Blue Economy Summit on the June 4, the new report - developed by One Ocean Foundation in partnership with SDA Bocconi, McKinsey & Companyand CSIC - provides a comprehensive overview of corporate practices in ocean protection and restoration. The report shows how the Ocean Disclosure Initiative (ODI) framework, strengthened by the use of GenAI, represents a key tool for fostering corporate responsibility towards the ocean.

Our Projects
Blue Economy
One Ocean Foundation invests on innovative researches regarding relationship between ocean ecosystems and the business world.
Environmental Projects
One Ocean Foundation is engaged in multiple scientific research activities focused on the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems to increase knowledge and promote the protection of marine biodiversity.
Educational Projects
In line with One Ocean Foundation's values of Knowledge, Awareness and Impact we provide access to informative contents, opportunities to meet and experiences at sea for all the people that want to take action for the preservation of our Blue Planet.


Stay up to date with our latest publications, insights and scientific articles on ocean related issues.


Ocean Tales

A concentration of up-to-date and objective knowledge on various ocean topics such as Blue economy, Marine Pollution, Global Warming and Ocean Literacy. We select scientific articles, news and journal articles to keep our community updated on the latest news on the marine ecosystem.

Our Partners

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Become an Ocean Defender!
One Ocean Foundation has developed with its scientific committee a code of ethics that we invite you to sign. By signing the Charta Smeralda, you commit to protecting the ocean by reducing the environmental impact of your recreational, sporting and professional activities by avoiding damage to marine and coastal environments.
Ocean defenders already engaged.
Projects and
Young People
Tons of Plastic
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