Jan 25, 2023
One Ocean Foundation supports the "Grande Anima" installation by Marcantonio
OOF landed to give scientific support to the new 12m installation of a grey whale in Rome's "Fiumicino Airport"

One Ocean Foundation is partner of the installation "Grande Anima" created by artist Marcantonio and exhibited at Rome Fiumicino's Leonardo Da Vinci Airport. The work represents the skeleton of a whale illuminated on the inside by lamps from all over the world, and is meant to be an invitation to reflect on the importance of nature, and the ocean in particular, and how much its protection depends on man and his behavior.

The installation was inaugurated last Friday, January 20, in the presence of numerous authorities, including the Minister of culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, Aeroporti di Roma CEO Marco Troncone, and Enac president Pierluigi Di Palma.

One Ocean Foundation provided scientific support to the initiative by providing content on the importance of cetaceans, more specifically on whales, and their role in fighting climate change. These large marine mammals are important carbon reservoirs and sequester large amounts of carbon in their bodies during their long lives, eventually carrying it to the deepest layers of the ocean via their carcasses, where it is stored in marine sediments. In addition, by regulating the movement of nutrients throughout the water column, whales contribute to the development and growth of phytoplankton, which is responsible for capturing about 40 percent of the CO2 released into the atmosphere every year.

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