Jul 29, 2022
The first 4 years of One Ocean Foundation
A report of our activities from 2018 to 2021

In February 2022 One Ocean Foundation turned four years old, always looking ahead, beyond the horizon, developing new projects and initiatives to protect the sea and our planet. We gave ourselves a small gift, we looked over our shoulders for a moment, to realize how far we have come together with all those who have supported us and we have summarized it in a digital summary, that you can read at this link.

One Ocean precisely, precisely because looking at the sea from any corner of the globe, we are faced with a unique, large, deep, and extraordinary organism whose breath is the origin and the very essence of life on the planet. As such, our commitment to its protection starts from the awareness that it is everyone's commitment and that the first objective of our mission is the extended involvement of science, industry, the regulatory system, but above all to people and young people who have the right to inherit a sustainable world. This is why we have given such importance to the projects we are working on, based on the three main pillars on which our mission rests: Education and dissemination, Scientific research to carry out environmental projects, Blue Economy.

Initiatives that could not have taken shape without the indispensable support of our partners, companies that have understood how urgent it is to support every action to protect the sea.

Find out more on our projects 

Our main projects
Starting from 2017, our first initiative, the founding one, our ethical code, Charta Smeralda, has so far been signed by over 10.000 people who have committed themselves in helping to defend the oceans. Among the initiatives that have contributed to its diffusion, we must not forget the circumnavigation of Italy, carried out on a sailboat by our Ambassador Mauro Pelaschier, an internationally renowned skipper, formerly helmsman of Azzurra in the America's Cup. For this activity Pelaschier was awarded the title of Commander of the Republic by President Mattarella.

In May 2019, our ongoing scientific project in the Canyon di Caprera began, in collaboration with important international scientific institutions. Due to its characteristics, the Caprera Canyon hosts 7 of the 8 species of cetaceans currently present in the Mediterranean and represents a unique sanctuary and one of the main biodiversity reserves in a particularly fragile marine area subject to aggression by human activities such as fishing, marine litter and noise pollution. Thanks to the effort of the many participants in the research project, the goal is to have the Canyon recognized and protected as an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMAs) according to the concept recently introduced by IUCN (World Union Task Force for Conservation of Nature) to support the conservation of marine cetaceans in the world.

Business for Ocean Sustainability, presented for the first time in November 2019, is a reference research for companies committed to sustainable transition, we have carried out it with the scientific contribution of SDA Bocconi, McKinsey & Company and CSIC (the Spanish National Research Center). The project was developed with a specific report dedicated to the Fashion Industry and today we are working on the Ocean Disclosure Initiative presented in September 2021 in Palazzo Mezzanotte, at the Milan Stock Exchange, with plans to expand experimentation and involvement to other economic and industrial sectors nationally and internationally, to expand awareness and commitment to virtuous behavior of the entire production system.

Starting from November 2021 with the organization of One Ocean Summit Young and the launch of a vast educational and training project, a concrete program in response to the growing commitment of the younger generations to environmental protection. We strongly believe in the importance of education and we operate through the preparation of training and dissemination material, the transmission of ethical and sustainable behavior protocols in schools and sailing clubs, with the participation of the Italian Sailing Federation, of which we are Sustainability Partner, and the training of teachers and instructors who work in contact with young lovers of the sea and who face the great adventure of sailing with responsibility and a sporting spirit. 

Our passion and the commitment of the many representatives of the scientific, sports and economic environment, the collaboration and enthusiasm of our Ambassador and the growing awareness of the world on the importance of protecting the marine environment, have led One Ocean Foundation to achieve significant results, with the promise of continuing our battle.

In the first 4 years 189 projects and activities have already been launched (from research to beach cleaning, from the preparation of educational material to the definition and dissemination of standardized protocols for the determination and certification of behaviors aimed at protecting the sea). 8 digital communication platforms have been created and over 18 companies of international importance and 26 Ambassadors are actively involved in our projects and activities.

Over 22,600 young people have been involved in our projects and important new initiatives are underway in international events focused on the mission of sustainability and respect for the oceans in the sports field. We promote the formalization of ethical behaviors in sailing clubs, the institutionalization of a role of environmental manager in offshore competitions (RECO Project) and in didactic navigation.

Today, more than ever, we believe in passion and commitment at all levels as a successful tool in the great challenge of regenerating our most precious and vulnerable heritage: that One Ocean which is the cradle of life and all our hopes.

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